Neighbours play a very important role in our life. Our everyday life is always connected in some way or another with the life of our neighbours. Some people have good relations with those living next door or nearby. Some don't care much about their neighbours. There are even such people, whose disagreements may end in violence. In particular cases some are ready to move because of those who live next door. But in general, now it's really difficult to imagine life without neighbours.
Neighbours make an integral part of our life, that's why we continue to remember them having moved to another place. But it's not only good that remains in our memory. Some neighbours are unfriendly and unhelpful. Certainly it must be bothering for people living nearby, but, in my opinion, the worst thing is when neighbours are inconsiderate. This may even become a cause of friction. Furthermore, such people do not care much, if they bother their neighbours and don't try to find any agreement, which both they and their neighbours can agree to. The result is long-running disputes among neighbours.
However, when neighbours become friends they often help each other, but the survey showed that most of neighbours never shared a meal and some had never even offered each other a cup of coffee. The major cause of friction is noise. The walls of our flats are still not equipped to handle 60-watt stereos or the noise of household appliances.
Barking dogs and other pets also cause much trouble, as well as young children, who are not controlled by adults and do everything they want. Another disagreement may be the result of the argument about the parking space (for divided houses) of place in the apartments for mutual use (in the case of multi-storey buildings).
In conclusion, I'd like to say that if a person wants his neighbours to be considerate and thoughtful, he should first of all look at himself. Nobody is perfect. Perhaps he also isn't. Providing he tries to find out what his neighbour dislikes in his way of life and change something, the situation would probably become better. One more solution to long-running disputes is to get the neighbours into a room with mediators who talk the problem through, and if necessary, negotiate a formal agreement, which both sides agree to. (Unfortunately it's practiced nowadays in Europe and America but not, as far as I know, yet in Russia). Certainly there are some people (for example heavy drunkers) whom it's really impossible to find an agreement with, but I really hope that such people do not live in every second flat. |
Добавлено: 28-1-2004 09:38PM |
В связи с повышенным интересом аудитории сайта osvic.ru к публикуемым на сайте рейтингам,
специалисты фирмы «Ос.А» в очередной раз предупреждают:
никакой рейтинг не является истиной в последней инстанции!
Для оценки ситуации на рынке, в конкретном случае, образовательных услуг, труда, рейтинги и полезны, и интересны.
Пользуйтесь на здоровье, изучайте, сравнивайте, анализируйте, делайте свои выводы на основе рейтинга, но не теряйте здравого смысла.
Ведь рейтинги делают люди, а им свойственно ошибаться.

On-page optimization involves optimizing individual
On-page optimization involves optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. Ensure that your chosen keywords are strategically placed in your content's title, headings, meta descriptions, and throughout the body. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as it can negatively impact user experience and search rankings.
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3-8-2023 07:38AM soburkhan111
On-page optimization involves optimizing individual
On-page optimization involves optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. Ensure that your chosen keywords are strategically placed in your content's title, headings, meta descriptions, and throughout the body. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as it can negatively impact user experience and search rankings.
Ingredient 4: Technical SEO
Technical SEO focuses on the backend elements of your website that affect its visibility on search engines. Ensure your website has a mobile-responsive design, fast loading Color Correction times, secure HTTPS connection, and proper XML sitemap. Fix broken links, optimize images, and use descriptive URLs to make it easier for search engine crawlers to index your content.
3-8-2023 07:37AM soburkhan111
Министр финансов РФ Силуанов: зарплаты бюджетников вырастут более чем на 8% в 2023 году
Зарплаты граждан, работающих в бюджетном секторе, будут увеличены на более чем 8% в 2023 году. По словам министра финансов России Антона Силуанова данный прирост соответствует прогнозу роста заработной платы экономики. «Заработные платы работников бюджетной сферы вырастут на уровень прогноза роста заработной платы экономики — более 8%», — заявил Силуанов в кулуарах Совета Федерации. В то же время заработные платы сотрудников правоохранительных органов в 2023 году будут расти опережающими темпами и будут зависеть от динамики инфляции в стране.
по материалам https://tass.ru/
30-11-2022 03:35PM expert
Губернатор Подмосковья: в регионе откроют центр ИИ-трансформации
Глава Московской области Андрей Воробьев сказал, что в регионе откроют первый в России центр ИИ- трансформации. Проект будет создан на базе Мингосуправления, ИТ и связи, и работать над ним будут Сбер и областное правительство. В рамках нового проекта в регионе будут заниматься развитием искусственного интеллекта, то есть разработкой, пилотированием и внедрением инновационных решений в разных сферах жизни.Уже сейчас в Подмосковье активно используются проекты с искусственным интеллектом. Например, робот Светлана записывает местных жителей на прием к врачу, приложение «Добродел» автоматически распределяет обращения граждан. Как отметил Андрей Воробьев, регион уже работает над созданием новых «умных сервисов». Так, до конца 2022 года планируется внедрить несколько проектов: искусственный интеллект будет составлять расписание общественного транспорта, контролировать несанкционированный сброс строительного мусора и прочее.
по материалам https://inbalashikha.ru/
27-11-2022 04:32PM expert